Saturday, November 19, 2011

The Mac Daddy

I paid a visit to the Apple store in New York.  I later learn it is one of three in the city.  This one is just between the FAO Schwartz and Plaza Hotel on 5th Avenue.  As you approach that open area, there is a rather large, 32 ft glass cube with that unmistakable piece of eaten fruit.  From there you descend into Apple world.  I was in shock when I saw the inside.  There were so many people inside you would think they were giving away the latest gadget for free.  But no, this was a slow day the helpful employees tell me.  

The interior is simple IKEA like tables and bar stools with accessories on the walls throughout.  Florescent lighting and no windows, there is nothing sexy about it considering how sexy their products are.  Even the staff are dressed in simple jeans and matching T-shirts.  At each table are several MacBooks and iPads for people to try or to play with while they wait.  It is truly insane in an interesting way.  There are enough people to start a riot, but yet they sit around happily in an organized chaotic kind of way waiting for something.

The employees are incredibly helpful and knowledgeable.  Young, friendly and amazingly calm considering the chaos that could potentially surround them.  This is the next uber tech savvy generation that is leading the world into an exclusive Mac time.

The only downfall in the store for Apple were the leaks as a result of the rain.  Nothing major, just a few drips.  I can't help but wonder if this is also patented as another glass Apple staircase was in 2006.

It is amazing to me that a company that makes just five products has such a cult-like following.  I myself love their products and use them.  As a music lover, I was sold at iPod, but all of their products are awesome and I am always amazed at the speed of my MacBook in comparison to the Windows platform I have to use for work.  I give credit to Steve Jobs and whoever worked with him to develop and market these.  To create such a global response to a product and now a place where people from all walks of life come to congregate in a no frills basement near Central Park is truly amazing.  I am sure New York is happy to have such a signature store here because it is such an important landmark and tourist attraction.  However, it may be stealing it’s thunder a bit and giving a whole new meaning to the phrase “The Big Apple”.   May the Mac Daddy rest in peace.

If you are into architecture and curious about the layout, visit Apple's site here.  It also has beautiful pictures in comparison to my rainy day snapshots!

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