Friday, June 19, 2015

You Could Do More?

"You Can Do So Much More".... my new boss said to me yesterday.

We were talking about work and she asked me what I wanted to do. She is aware of my ability - I used to be a consultant and all that good stuff. She asked me what I would like to do because I could "do so much more".

She didn't mean that I am being lazy and not working. What she meant was that I can climb the corporate ladder - shoot for a higher position and whatever else comes with that.

It is flattering, but I politely declined. I have worked on several projects and throughout those there is always that crazy week or two, or eight, where your life is not your own because others are late, things are chaotic and it is just out of your control because well, stuff happens. I cited this as my reason. And it is not completely untrue. I can do that from time to time, but I do not want every week of my life to resemble this.

What I didn't tell her is that I already am doing more. A lot more. I pull more all nighters than I ever did as a young adult out with my friends. The amount of responsibility that comes with the role of working mom and caretaker for a Type 1 Diabetic is "So Much More".

Crazy presentation to prepare, up all night waiting for others' input. I'd take that over any sick night my child has with diabetes. I promise the night full of vomiting, keytone and hypoglycemia watch, and all else that comes with that is much more challenging than building a business strategy.

In addition to taking care of my son's health, I also have more opportunity to be a mom than if I were in a higher position. Diabetes aside, why would I want to miss his life events because I am over allocated? I am already multi-tasking on several things, so why would I want to carry more? I don't. I'm not sure it is possible - especially if they don't develop time travel or figure out how to make the days longer.

And, while I do not have a lot of free time, I do squeeze in some diabetes advocacy and activities from time to time. Before the "Big D", I was a healthcare manager and consultant. I left that job to focus on my son's health. Yes, irony. With that background, it is very hard for me to sit back and not "do more".

So could I do more? I could probably do with more sleep, but who has time for that when there is so much to be done!

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